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Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Cookie Making (teaser)

An afternoon of baking with my daughter was fun, as long as you deal with the mess, that is.  Well, the delight on her face was priceless.

Summer isn't over in this part of the world yet, so the kid needs some entertainment in the kitchen... here's what we did one afternoon, after we realized the cookie that we bought last week, was really bad, like we cant even barely finish one piece. I guess its about time she has to know that the sometimes, the best things are made at home.

Here is the teaser as we are still editing the full video.  I hope it will be finished soon (crossing fingers). Mommy is still learning the craft, so there's so much to learn.  We have converted our kitchen into a D.I.Y Studio.  More fun in the kitchen indeed.

Thanks for watching.

Note to self. I just learned that uploading videos in youtube is better than FB.

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