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Monday, February 04, 2008

Mixed Fried Rice

Mixed Fried Rice

Have you had one of those days when all you need is a one pot meal? Yeah, that’s how we feel sometimes, when we don’t know what to cook and suddenly this lazy idea comes in mind. Looking at the pantry… Bling! Bling! Mixed Fried Rice! Why? Because its easy and you will never go wrong… Just throw in different veggies, canned goods or left over meat.

Onion (minced)
Garlic (minced)
Cooked plain rice
1 tin can tuna chunks
1 pc. Smoked Chorizo
1 egg, fried separately
1 carrot (diced)

Fry egg separately, slice in thin strips and set aside. Sauté onion and garlic, add tuna, chorizo, and carrot. Stir-fry for about 3 minutes, add cooked rice, stir-fry for another minute until all the flavors are incorporated. Add the thin strips of egg, fry for another minute. Done. Serve while it is still warm.

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